We are a family of companies with a shared goal of empowering our employees, customers, and communities.


Our roots are in medical devices, but we also work in the life sciences, property management, resort, and service businesses.

Headquartered in Indiana, with locations worldwide, our values of integrity, quality, respect, and transparency all help guide our work and our relationships with our employees, customers, and communities. We innovate by listening first, then looking for the best solutions based on the needs expressed. We believe that when employers, employees, and communities collaborate, everyone is able to achieve more.

Medical devices
Life sciences
Property management
Animal health


In 1963, Bill and Gayle Cook created a small company that manufactured three simple medical devices used to treat patients in less invasive ways than common surgical techniques of the time. That small company grew into Cook Medical, with global reach and products for treating conditions in almost every system of the body and area of the hospital.

Along the way, this entrepreneurial family branched out into other areas of business – to explore new types of medical treatment; to support their passions, like historic preservation; and to support their growing group of employees and the communities where they live.

Cook Group was created to provide support and oversight to the Cook companies, which remain family owned.




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